Church Care

Church to Church Partnerships

Help, support, and encouragement is right down the road – literally. Starting with the Senior Pastors two GHC churches could both grow from a partnership journey.

Let’s start with what this is not. It’s not a church growth assessment. It’s not a big church helping a small church or a healthy church helping an unhealthy church.

This is a strengthening through synergy and a shared mission. It is leader to leader encouragement., It’s the sharing of resources, ideas, and possibilities. It’s a partnership that involves reciprocity and mutual benefits. It is relational and intentional. It’s releasing the potential of the local church!

Pastoral Recruitment

Finding the right church to fit your gifting, at times, can prove to be difficult.  We want to help you overcome that burden.  With over 150 churches in our network, we pray we can match you to the congregation you are called to shepherd.

This is an opportunity for us to partner with you and God’s kingdom to continue to advance what He is already doing.

(Coming Soon) Excellence Centers- Online Digital Learning

GHC churches are loaded with excellent ministry, systems, and processes.

Our online catalog of short learning videos unpacks practical steps to take to improve and strengthen your ministries and church systems.

Contributions from around the GHC region give insight and teaching on ministries such as children’s ministry, youth ministry, Oikos programs, Alpha courses, Rooted program, Celebrate Recovery program, volunteer recruitment, assimilation processes, connections events, turning guests into regular’s attenders, healthy church systems, community partnerships – and many more.

Each digital learning video invites the listener to connect further and consider an onsite ministry visit and ongoing coaching.

All from within the GHC region.